Did you ever wish that you had read Sin City or 300 before they became movies? To have read anything before it becomes a movie, I think is something to aspire to. Now is your chance to go out and maybe step into a new realm...the realm of comics. I recently took such a step last semester under the apprenticeship of my dear friend Kevin. Comics is one of those things, that if you want to get into them, you kind of need a guide. I've been reading the latest series in Uncanny X-Men, The Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire. I can't tell you how fun it's been to really read these things seriously, and dare I say it...tap into my geeky side. Embracing the nerdyness is the only way to live. Anyway, I've really started enjoying comics, and I think you should too. Watchmen is a great piece of literature, and I think it should be more greatly appreciated. They are now in the pre-production process for the film, a process that has been in the works since the late 1980's. The author, Alan Moore, is one of comics all time great writers. He is also known for writing V for Vendetta, which brings up an interesting point. V was written 1982 and then made into a movie in 2006. The movie follows the book extremely closely, as Moore had originally written it. When the movie was made, many were claiming that this film was a critique on the Bush administration. If they had only known that this story was conceived during the Reagan administration....Anyway, the movie is gonna be rad whenever it comes out, so you should read the book now. Kevin gets all the credit here...