If anyone else has taken a 20 hour trans-atlantic flight, I sympathize with your sufferings. To compound the annoyance of such a flight, Delta is kind enough to play re-runs of The West Wing, and The King of Queens the entirety of the journey. This flight includes a stop in Dakar, Senegal to refuel, before continuing on to Johannesburg, South Africa. In Dakar, you are not allowed to get off the plane, as security comes on board and searches the fuselage for 2 hours. Bad food further complicates this torture, with zero leg room and minimal personal space to boot. You have to do this twice might I add. It does help with the skymiles however.
Angola is a former Portuguese colony that gained its independance around 1975. Since then they have destroyed themselves with civil war. Like any developing country, the so-called roads are almost useless. Diesel fumes suffocate you. Pedestrians dodge blazing SUV's.
The land is beautiful and limitless. If you plan on taking your next vacation there, bring an interpreter, since almost no one knows any english. Bring zero dollars because I can assure you there is nothing worth buying. Be ready to not see another white person and accept points and stares as you go anywhere. Accept bulletholes in buildings as merely part of the experience.
What I've said may come across as deregatory to Angola, but it is one of the nost wonderful and confusing places I've ever been. The people are content and happy, which comes as strange to me because it is in the top 5 poorest countries in the world. I am glad to be home yet resentful of America. We are all selfish and stupid.
Hello world!
12 years ago
Angola's civil war was fueled by Cuban soldiers fighting South Africans. It's a hell of a long flight to Johannesburg and then on to Angola (Luanda?).
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